Full Bayesian inference for neural networks using TensorFlow
This project is maintained by alpha-davidson
On this page is a tutorial on training a classification BNN using the tools available inside of TensorBNN
using the MNIST
dataset. This dataset consists of a collection of 28x28 grayscale images of handwritten digits. This tutorial will show how to select two numbers and train a BNN to detect between the two.
First, it is necesary to import all the packages that will be needed. The required ones are
import os
import numpy as np
import random as rn
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from Networks.activationFunctions import SquarePrelu, Sigmoid
from Networks.BNN_functions import trainBasicClassification
from Networks.layer import DenseLayer
from Networks.network import network
The ‘os’, ‘numpy’, ‘random’, and ‘tensorflow’ imports are all required to set the random seeds properly so that results are reproducible. The other imports are either for training and validation data spliting or for constructing the actual network. It is important to note, however, that if a GPU is used for training, which is highly recomended, it is impossible to obtain completely reproducible results simply because of how a GPU works. The code required to set these random seeds is:
os.environ["PYTHONHASHSEED"] = "0"
After setting up the random seeds, we need to get our dataset. This is accomplished though the code:
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data(path='mnist.npz')
As the MNIST
data consists of a bunch of pictures we need to reshape each picture into a vector and scale the pixel values between 0 and 1. This is accomplished here:
x_train_shape = x_train.shape
x_train = np.reshape(x_train, (x_train_shape[0],x_train_shape[1]**2))
x_train = np.float32(x_train)/256
We also collected our input and output dimensions, which will be important later. Next, we must collect the two numbers that we are interested in. For this tutorial we will use 3 and 8, but you are free to use whatever two numbers you desire. In the following block of code we create our new datasets.
new_x_train = []
new_y_train = []
for y in range(len(y_train)):
x_train = np.array(new_x_train)
y_train = np.array(new_y_train)
Finally, we perform an 80-20 train-validation split and store all of the datasets in a list.
trainIn, valIn, trainOut, valOut = train_test_split(
x_train, y_train, test_size=0.20, random_state=21)
data=[trainIn, trainOut, valIn, valOut]
Next, we will use the pretraining feature built into TensorBNN
. This feature allows the use of normal neuarl network optimization algorithms to give us a superior starting point for the BNN as it is a much slower algorithm. Pretraining the networks then allows for faster convergence of the BNN. To do the pretraining, we simply call trainBasicClassification
from the BNNfunctions
folder. A sample call is shown below with all of the arguments labeled.
weights, biases, activation = trainBasicClassification(
2, # Number of hidden layers
inputDims, # Input dimensions
outputDims, # Output dimensions
20, # Number of perceptrons per layer
nncycles, # Number of training cylces. The learning rate is decreased by a factor of 10 each cycle.
10, # Number of epochs per training cycle
0.1, # Slope value for `leaky-relu` activation
data[0], # Training input data
data[1], # Training output data
data[2], # Validation input data
data[3], # Validation output data
"MNIST_pretrain", # Save the pretrain network under this name
callbacks=True, # Use callbacks to restore best weights obtained while training
callbackMetric="val_loss", # metric used to determine best weights
patience=10) # number of epochs to wait after failing to improve callback metric
Running this function will train a network in Keras and save it under the name “MNIST_pretrain”. It will extract the weights, biases, and activation functions tensors from the final model and return them.
We are now finally ready to actually setup the BNN. First, we create a network object. This is accomplished through the following code:
dtype = tf.float32 # This is the best trade off between speed and precision.
neuralNet = network(
dtype, # network datatype
inputDims, # dimension of input vector
data[0], # Training input data
data[1], # Training output data
data[2], # Validation input data
data[3], # Validation output data
tf.cast(0.0, dtype), # Mean of output data for unnormalization
tf.cast(1.0, dtype)) # Standard deviation of output data
Next, we need to add our layers. We will use two hidden layers of 20 percpetrons each with SquarePrelu activation functions for the first two layers and Sigmoid activation for the output layers. SquarePrelu activations are similar to normal prelu activations, which are essentially leaky-relu activations with a trainable slope paramter. The difference, though, is that the trained parameter is the plus or minus square root of the slope. This way, we can not have an activation function which is not a bijection. The code to add the layers is below:
seed = 0 # seed for layer generation, irrelavent with pretraining
width = 20 # number of perceptrons per layer
alpha = 0.1 # starting slope value for SquarePrelu
hidden = 2 # Number of hidden layers
neuralNet.add( # add a layer
DenseLayer( # dense layer object
inputDims, # input dimension
width, # number of perceptrons per layer
weights=weights[0], # pretrained weights
biases=biases[0], # pretrained biases
seed=seed, # layer seed
dtype=dtype)) # layer datatype
alpha=alpha**(0.5), # starting slope parameter
activation=None, # no activation pretrained
dtype=dtype)) # activation datatype
seed += 1000
for n in range(hidden - 1): # Add the hidden layers
weights=weights[n + 1],
biases=biases[n + 1],
seed += 1000
#Add the output layer
neuralNet.add(Sigmoid()) # Sigmoid activation
Next, we must setup the Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm. This is done by simply calling setupMCMC and providing it a lot of information.
0.001, # Starting stepsize for Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC)
0.0005, # Minimum possible stepsize for HMC
0.002, # Maximum possible stepsize for HMC
100, # Number of points to use in stepsize search grid
500, # Starting number of leapfrog steps for HMC
100, # Minimum number of leapfrog steps for HMC
2000, # Maximum number of leapfrog steps for HMC
1, # increment in leapfrog steps in leapfrog search grid
0.00001, # stepsize for hyper parameter HMC
30, # leapfrog steps for hyper paramater HMC
50, # Number of burnin steps to do
2, # Number of cores to use on computer
2) # Numberof stpes to average over in adaptive HMC algorithm
Finally, we can actually train the network. We must give it a few last pieces of information and then it will be on its merry way.
2500, #Train for 2500 epochs
10, # Save every 10 networks
folderName="MNIST_BNN", # Save inside the folder MNIST_BNN
networksPerFile=25, # Start new files every 25 networks
returnPredictions=False, # Don't return predictions
regression=False) # Don't use regression algorithm, so use classification algorithm
A final word of caution: this algorithm is not fast. For large datasets and large networks it is only feasible to run this on GPUs, and even then it may need several days to run. This example is small enough that it should run on normal computers, but it will still take several hours.